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How ChatGPT Can Make You A Better Developer. –



ChatGPT and Openai Quotes

  • “There’s a certain feeling that happens when a new technology adjusts your thinking about computing. Google did it. Firefox did it. AWS did it. iPhone did it. OpenAI is doing it with ChatGPT.” ~Aaron Levie
  • “There are certainly a range of business use cases, but I’m concerned about its intentional misuses (e.g., multimodal deepfakes and other forms of automated cybercrime) and unintended consequences (information and its expression converging on the mean as well as the atrophying of writing skills).” ~Richard Yonck
  • “It won’t be a surprise to see in the next 24 months, multiple billion-dollar companies built on top of OpenAI’s foundational models. The startups that will be the most successful won’t be the best at prompt engineering, which is the focus today, rather success will be found in what novel data and use case do they incorporate into OpenAI’s models. This novel data and application will be the moat that establishes the next set of AI unicorns.” ~David Shim
  • “ChatGPT will help a developer resolve issues much faster.  ChatGPT will be like having another person working side by side with you.” ~Dave Waters




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